
A second can make a difference..

You are just a stranger for me. Most of the people are. We pass each other on the street and forget that we ever met. And that is once in a lifetime opportunity, we don't stop, we keep going and just getting on with our lives, forgetting that we ever saw each other. Strangers.. But if sometimes you do stop and talk, in that second your whole life could change, meeting a new person, making a new friend, changing your life a little bit, in only one second everything will be different. Someone could make you smile, you could have someone that one day, when you will have a hard day will make you smile, someone to call, someone's shoulder to cry on. One second can change all your life. It's your decision. Will you stop or you will continue to walk?



"Once, all villagers decided to pray for rain, and on the day of the prayer all of them gathered and only one boy came with an umbrella.That's faith."

                                                                                        Have no regrets.



"Every night we go to bed, without having any assurance that we will wake up next day, but we still set the alarm for the morning.That's hope."

                                                                               Have no regrets.