
I don't think it's normal, but they do

I often find myself thinking of women around the world. There are so many cultures and religions in this world, so many of whom I don’t even know. I know that in this exact moment there are women who struggle with abuse from their husbands or boyfriends, there are also women who were born in a culture that doesn’t allow them rights, such as vote or education, things that where I come from are normal.  Because I was raised a certain way I don’t think that I can imagine myself in their situation. I would just go crazy. There are many women who are staying at home to raise their children, and have no independence from their husbands. I would like to think that I won’t be in their position, and if I will ever be there, I will make everything I can to get out and seek  help. 21st century is the century of equality, or at least that’s how I like to think about it, and it’s about time for things to change.

                                                                                           Life is love. 

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