

There is no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens for a reason, I feel it.Everything. As I said before last year wasn’t the best year of my life, it definitely  changed a lot of things.But I know God is arranging things for us even if we are too busy to notice that. Sufferance brings you closer to God and it makes you see things and be more aware of what’s happening around you.When someone dies, we are all shocked, because it’s a reminder that we are human and that life has an end. The shock is only for a short time, because we forget about what happened. If you were close to death or had someone close to you die, you know it.I don’t know if I am explaining this clear enough, but pain has made me enjoy life more than I did before.I know it's weird to say that, but the reason I am saying that is because you learn to appreciate life and health when you are sick.So stop wasting time and start living. Every day of our lives is unique and it never returns, only in our memories.

                                                                                          Life is love.

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