
We are not on the same page

I am a person who has faith and who strongly believes in God. When I was in high-school at Religion class one of my colleagues asked the teacher if we do a good thing, should we expect a reward or should we do something good without expecting to be recognized for it?  The answer my teacher gave was unexpected. She said that it’s not wrong to wait for a reward, it’s not selfish. I felt that that wasn’t the best thing she ever told us, because we can’t always expect  rewards and prizes for everything we do. We don’t need to help someone only because we believe that we will be rewarded. I didn’t agree with my teacher that day, and I wish I told her my honest opinion, but I didn’t say anything. I regret it.


The day I turned 20

Before I turned 20 I was freaking out, I don’t know why, or maybe I do, but I was so scared as if that day will change everything. Well that day didn’t change anything, I only got older with 1 year. I think the reason why I felt like that is because time flew too fast, and I just couldn’t believe that I was already 20 years old. I remember the day I turned 10, at that time I felt like I was a big girl, but I was so wrong. 10 years after that day, I found myself thinking at the past, I was reanalyzing everything I went through. I also realized that the next big anniversary will be even bigger. For me turning 20 made me realized I was getting older, thing that I didn’t really feel before. Time does make you mature, it makes you feel that life has an end. Getting older makes you more responsible, you can’t act childish anymore, you need to be responsible for what you say and do, because everything you do and say has its consequence.

                                                                                          Have no regrets. 


I am praying for you

I pray for people that I don’t know, sometimes I am touched by their stories, sometimes I just think that somewhere there are people without a home, people that fall asleep with an empty stomach, people that are cold and people that have too much and don’t know to appreciate life and they want to have even more than they already have. I pray for all of them, I wish God will give them comfort and I wish they could solve all their problems. Life is not perfect and I found out we can’t make it perfect, all we can do is improve it. Not only our lives, but other peoples lives. That’s why we are here. Next time you will see someone struggling ask that person if you can help, he would definitely be surprised. 

                                                                       Have no regrets.


Help others

Answer with a smile when someone is looking at you, make a joke when someone has a bad day. Get involved when you see someone struggling. Give your opinion even if others will say you are wrong. Speak kindly and be compassionate. Give advice when you know that you already went through that experience, try to help as many people as you can. All our days are counted, you never know when your life is going to end, leave something behind and don’t regret what you did, be the best person you can be and you will be rewarded.

                                                                                         Have no regrets.   



I’m the kind of girl that feels and thinks different than other people do, but no one is curious enough to find out who I really am. Maybe they see me more distant and quiet, I always thought they are going to think I am mysterious, but I guess that’s not the way they see things. I learned to put my heart in a safe place, not because I was hurt, but because I learned from others what could happen. I don’t know what kind of person I would be in a relationship, because I was never involved in one. I am too cautious and careful not to get hurt, but I am confident that on this Earth there is someone for me. One day I  will meet him, and we would realize that we both looked at the sky and wondered who is watching also. Life is beautiful, because life is love. It’s the sparkle that makes us unique and it’s also the light that keeps us alive. Life is a mystery and it has many aces on her sleeve, you just need to trust her. Everything is going to be alright in the end, I will be happy and so are you.

                                                                                           Have no regrets.



The Internet is a big source of information, but there are things that you can’t find out from doing a Google search. You can’t remember what your father told you last time you met him, you won’t remember what the assignment from your teacher was, you can’t find this kind of information on the Internet. The sad part of this is we rely too much on the technology and I often get mad when the internet connection is bad, because we are all addicted to it. When was the last time you opened a book or when was the last time you searched for a word in a real dictionary? We depend too much on devices like a computer or a cell phone, we need to learn to detach from those devices. Despite everything Internet unites us and has become part of our lives. 

                                                                                         Have no regrets.


Living the adventure

Some experiences are life changing and are helping you to grow as a person and gain experience, but many of them are so painful.  I am not happy when something beautiful happens in my life, because the next thing that happens it’s always bad. I live in fear that something will pull me apart from my family and I wouldn’t have their support. I feel like I don’t deserve to be happy or loved. I am working on solving those issues and I am slowly changing myself, I am taking little steps and so far I am doing just fine. Life is a big adventure and sometimes you waste a lot of energy on small things, but the greatest things await you at the end of the journey, you only need to have patience to find out what those things are.

                                                                                                 Have no regrets.



I grew up

We all get old, one day at a time, one moment at a time, we can’t change that, the only thing we can change is the way we see the world and the way we decide to live our lives. There are so many good things we can do and not so much time. We aren’t immortal, but because we are all humans and we make mistakes, we can change the world around us . Maybe some of us are too scared to make mistakes, but that’s not the way to live, there is a saying that tells that “you can learn from someone else’s mistakes” but doing that way you don’t live your life, you live through someone else’s life. I dream so big, wishing that someday I will be proud of what I’ve  accomplished, of seeing the world and maybe it’s just an illusion, because now the reality is way different. I never left the boundaries of this country and I never crossed my own boundaries. 

                                                                                        Have no regrets.


I respect people who respect me

I was born on a Wednesday, at the end of June. My life wasn't spectacular, I had a normal childhood and I wasn't a troubled teenager. I wasn't spoiled when I was little and I am not spoiled now. I was teached since I was a little girl that money is something, but not everything , I also learned that I have to respect my family, because at hard times they will always be there for me. Looking back now I don't regret the way I was raised, I am fortunate enough to have been raised by people that are humble and hard workers. I am thankful for everything God gave me, I am thankful for my family and education and I am thankful for everyone I met during my life.

                                                                                                 Have  no regrets.


I am still learning

What I would like to know tomorrow that I don’t know today? I often ask myself this question. Every day we all learn something, little things that change us, for example we learn a new recipe or we learn how to deal with different challenges we encounter. This kind of little things we learned along our lives made us the people we are today. One of my teachers told me that it's not about what happens to me, but how I react to it that matters. As a conclusion,  I feel that someday I will be proud of me and I will be proud of who I am. I give a big thanks to the past me and I am looking forward to meet the future me.

                                                                                   Have no regrets.


What if.. ?

For a second I thought about leaving, it was the second that could have changed everything, but I stayed. Now, in another future I would have been facing new challenges and meeting new people, instead I decided to stay and see what my poor future will bring. Giving a second thought to this idea I realized that even if my future will be poor, I would still have the opportunity to meet new people, and it's better for me to be with my family than far away from it. My future is unknown, but so is yours ..

                                                                                   Have no regrets.


It gets better

High-school wasn’t for me the best part of my life, I discovered that after I finished high-school I felt at ease, I felt that now I could dress the way I want and I can paint my nails any color I choose, it only mattered that I knew that, it wasn’t like I totally changed my wardrobe .  I know that I am a late bloomer, because I slowly notice that I am growing as a person, I am more respected and that my opinion does matter. I also acknowledged that I have a voice that I can use to express myself. For those of you who are still in high-school I want you to know that it does get better.

                                                                                    Have no regrets.


To be or not to be?

Have you ever noticed how people are remembered after they are gone, but during their life they are just shadows ? It’s sad that that happens. I sometimes sit and wonder how the world would be if I wasn’t here, I guess the Earth would still spin and everyone would just go on with their lives, but what else could they do? Pain is not forever and neither is happiness, illness and death are only two of the million things that can disturb your happiness, you just need to be ready to face them.

                                                                                   Have no regrets. 



Days go by and I am still here dreaming about how I would like my life to be. I know that dreaming isn’t enough in this world. I don’t want to become a person that got somewhere without working , like a lot of people do, I want to become someone with my own strength and hard work. I want to be able to make my dreams come true. All these things “I want to do” are hard to make only because I don’t know where to begin. I live in a country where a lot of people are working abroad to sustain their families and to be able to build something for their kids. For some of them working outside the boundaries of the country has become their future, because they realized that not in a million years they will  be able to support their family and have a decent life in this country. I sometimes wonder if I am going to become one of them?

                                                                                  Have no regrets.


Start over

There are so many days when I feel down and heart-broken, so many unanswered questions, so many doubts about my life, writing is the only thing that calms me down and helps me recover from hard days.  I was always the one that listened and gave advice, and I never had the opportunity to say what’s on my mind, so I would like to change that. Every day I feel that I  can make more things and I can start living my life, but at the same time I ask myself if that isn’t selfish, do I deserve to be happy, leave everything behind and have a new start?

                                                                                    Have no regrets. 


Me, myself and I

I feel so many things right now, so many things that I would like to say, but it’s so hard to get these ideas out of my mind and write them down, I would want to make so many things in my future, I am at this age when I think about my past, my teenage life and maybe I should have had more fun, I should have made more friends and I shouldn’t have been so isolated, being afraid of others. But now it’s not time for regrets, it’s time to start change something and as a famous quote says "you can change the world, by changing yourself" . . . 

                                                                                            Have no regrets.



Reach out for your dreams, don’t be afraid of failure, because mistakes are part of life. I believe in destiny and in God as well, I know He is there somewhere and He is watching over me, maybe today is not the day written for me to win, it’s just another day for me to live, tomorrow when the sun will rise again I will have another perspective about my future. "Do you believe in Angels or God? I do."

                                                                                  Have no regrets.


The countdown has begun

Exams are approaching and I am officialy desperate. I don't know where the semester flew, but I have only two weeks to prepare for my first exam. When I study for an exam I try to memorize as much as I can and maybe because I am stressed out, I can't remember anything I learn.  The thing is I study for an exam for many, many days and the exam only lasts an hour. Before the exam starts I am stressed out and I only calm myself after I see the subjects .I hope the exams will fly as fast as the semester flew..

                                                                                          Have no regrets.


Another day, another memory

I don’t know what the future months will bring, I don’t even know what tomorrow will bring, the past months were like a rollercoaster, ups and downs, and I am still on that rollercoaster frightened and alone, feeling like nobody understands and nobody cares . I know that time will heal everything and I am letting him heal me. Because time goes by so fast, at the end of the day you notice that you are older than yesterday but younger than tomorrow. 

                                                                                 Have no regrets.


I dare you to be happy

What can you do when life throws at you the nastiest and ugliest moments? Dare her, dare life to make you the happiest person, dare her to give you the best memories and the best life.If we were made to be happy then dare life to make you happy, dare her to make you see the best part of life, not the worst of it. Last but not least, smile and just be happy, enjoy everything , because you only have one life to live.
                                                                                     Have no regrets.


Not hopeless yet

Things can change from a moment to another for better or for worst. I saw that recently and I also saw how for a second you can be destroyed inside and in another second you feel that you are full of hope again. It's just the way life is. You need to keep on living hoping that time will heal everything.  I am learning to let go, I am learning to speak my mind and I am praying for someone to pray for me. I hope my dreams will come true soon, and that I am going to be happy.

                                                                             Have no regrets. 



How many times have you tried to do something but abandoned because you didn’t have the patience for it? I know I did it so many times. Now, I think twice before I start something, because I want to be committed to the things I start. When you start something that you don't finish, something that you have put a lot of time and effort into, you waste time. People need to realize that time is short, don’t lose it, I know I am trying not to and I try to let something behind, something finished.. 

                                                                               Have no regrets.



6 months are enough to change your life. At least it was enough for me. I went from pain to hope, I loved more than I did before and I learned to appreciate life. Life can end I a second, it’s just the way things are. I am calm now, I see with my own eyes and I enjoy every day. It was hard to see a loved one transform from a healthy person to a person that has no hope and expectations from the future. It was hard to see a loved one suffer because we all suffered with her. Life is shorter than you think, and it ends when God wants. I hope you are going to find your peace because I already did.

                                                                           Have no regrets.



Who knows what will happen tomorrow? You shouldn’t have any regrets about the past, because regrets break you apart, they make you weak and they don’t solve anything. Don’t waste your time thinking that it might have been different, because you just don’t know. Bigger days await you and happier days. Life is beautiful, I know it. I want you to think that I am optimistic about my future, I know that someone is taking care of me and I am never alone. Better days will come and I want to be here appreciating everything. I don’t want to change my life, I want to leave it as it is, because the life I have and the family I have made me who I am today. I respect the past and I am looking forward for the future.

                                                                    Have no regrets.


A new day

I don’t live in the past anymore, I live in the present and even if I take every day as it comes, I try to live it as full as I can and I try to make the best of it. You need to acknowledge that life is short and you don’t need to take it  for granted, because it might end tomorrow. Today is the day you need to wake up and be positive that you are going to have a wonderful day. Ahead of you there are many opportunities that wait. Life can be sometimes crazy and unpredictable, but you should be thankful that you are allowed to live another day on this earth.

                                                                                        Have no regrets.


I am here

“I was here”, I guess this becomes the new motto in my life, even if I did not have one before. Before? Yes, before I realized I need to live my life. I want to leave something behind, because life is fragile and it doesn’t matter the age, because my life could end the next moment, and when that happens people that I leave behind I want to remember me. Not only remember me, but I want them to remember how I touched their lives and how I was an inspiration for them. It’s hard to explain, maybe because the last weeks I felt very fragile and I still feel that way, but I guess I don’t want to live my life just because everyone else is doing it, I want to live doing everything I ever dreamt of doing, I want to travel and help people, but I also want to be independent.

                                                                       Have no regrets.



 Because I am shy I tend to hide my feelings and people think I am shy and I don’t dare to speak my mind, but the truth is I am afraid of getting burned and I have bigger dreams than I can afford, so I feel like it’s better to hide, because maybe those dreams won’t come true. It’s the same thing when it comes to love, but I finally feel like my life is changing, or maybe just my feelings. I feel like I am falling in love with something, even if I don’t know with what yet, maybe I am falling in love with my life.I want to become better this year and I believe I can do this.
                                                                                      Have no regrets. 


Dear diary,

I know that all my last blog posts have ended with "see you tomorrow", and the last two days I didn't write anything, but as you might know life is tough, and sometimes you lose someone you love, because time has no mercy on us. When you lose someone you feel empty and confused, you feel like you don't deserve that, but I didn't feel like that. I felt peaceful because I knew that everything is alright now, and it won't hurt anymore. For me the last six months were life changing, because I went from hope to desperation and back again. When everything ended I felt that all the pain that grew the last six months has disappeared. 
                                                                                                            Have no regrets.



I try to get inspired by the things around me every day, even if I don’t always get to be inspired I do my best. Now, more often than other days I found out how precious life is and only now I try to find what life has prepared for me. I am young and because of that I would like one day to be able to say I did everything I wanted in my life and that all my dreams came true. When that day will come I would like to look at my past with a smile and believe my life was worth living. 
                                                                            See you tomorrow.